2022 Franklin FLL Tournament

Franklin Saber Robotics is hosting a FIRST Lego League (FLL) Regional Tournament (supporting kids grades 1-8) on Sunday, November 20th, at the Franklin High School. Volunteer signup is now open!

Here’s an opportunity for you to locally support an amazing, global STEM education program with only a 1-day time commitment. (Half-day commitments are also an option.) Please consider volunteering and joining us in fostering STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) across SE Wisconsin.

Volunteering at a tournament is an AWESOME way to see what these kids are capable of and there are many different types of volunteer roles available (no experience or technical skills are required).

An FLL tournament requires well over 100 volunteers to make it successful! Please help us provide this amazing opportunity for children across SE Wisconsin!

(Free account creation & login is required)

More information on how to register as a volunteer: